about us

Hi, my name is Adi , I’m in my twenties and live in Jerusalem, Israel. After serving a few years as an officer in the IDF, I wanted to continue acting on behalf of Israel. I launched this blog to express the innovative ecosystem of Israeli Start-ups and Organizations and their ongoing contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that the United Nations has set for implementation by 2030.

Since I started this blog 5 years ago my personal life has changed – I got married, I am blessed to be a mother of two – but my commitment to implementation of the UN’s SDGs hasn’t weakened one bit. In fact, I’m even more passionate: now it’s not only about my generation, but rather the future of my children.

In this blog, I share with you hundreds of Israeli activity from a variety of sectors in Israel. From the government-public sector, the private sector, the non-profits and organizations that work to create significant social impact inside and outside of Israel.

This blog is for anyone who is interested in “Tikun Olam” and learning how Israel is heading great efforts to advance our world to be a better place.

I invite you all to share with me your initiatives in areas that contribute to the UN goals. I would be happy to connect you with those from outside Israel who wish to contribute to the activists, organizations and companies of the social impact ecosystem in Israel. Also, I would appreciate it if you would be willing to donate to the blog to promote content and activities.

Adi Azulay Eliram

Our Vision

The State of Israel was established on the solid foundations of social justice and equality, as reflected in its Declaration of Independence (and the vision of the prophets, deeper in its history). This thread has woven through its society ever since in government, the private sector and civil society, and is as prominent in action as it is in talk. Israel’s healthy DNA in this respect generates both a robust and ongoing public discourse on a host of issues, from closing socio-economic gaps to advancing technologies for social good.

In this context: During the past decade, especially, the names “Israel” and “Start-up Nation” have become synonymous. Truth is, Israel is much more than a world innovation leader: it boasts a robust social eco-system reinforced by intensive and ongoing activities by the government, private and non-profit sectors (both separately and in cooperation with each other). Today, its strengths in the innovation and social areas are beginning to merge, as the country moves toward a new status: Impact Nation.

Israel attaches great importance to the implementation of the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Goals (SDGs), and naturally participated in the voluntary national reviews (VNRs) where member states hade the opportunity to share their experiences – successes, challenges and lessons learned.

This blog has been established to follow this exciting development and highlight the players moving it forward.

Israel is far from perfect; no society is. But it is definitely among a relatively small number of counties which recognize that social challenges exist, confront them head-on and make every possible effort to successfully overcome them. It is in this space that our blog emerges: to shed light on the spectrum of Israeli activities – both public and private – to make the world a better place, both domestically and globally.

Tikun Olam & SDGs in Israel

The Hebrew term Tikun Olam has deep roots in Jewish theology and philosophy. At the most basic level, it recognizes our world is in disrepair and that we have a personal responsibility to help mend it. In a more individual sense, the term directs us to show compassion to those in need – and most importantly: take action ourselves!

This is why Tikun Olam and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals go hand in hand – and that advancing SDG implementation comes naturally to Israel and its citizens. This is what we are trying to illustrate in Social Impact Israel, from the Changemakers profiles to the informative posts.

Read more on the OECD’s “The SDG Communicator” website

bier SDG - Social Impact Israel