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SDG 11- Amidar – Affordable Public Housing in Israel-By Dr. Eitan Eliram Lead Innovation Strategist May 2024
Over the decades, Israel’s housing sector has dealt with rapid changes in the physical, economic, and social aspects of the country. The Israeli government has been involved in shaping the housing market, but challenges remain. Among several public housing companies providing low-income housing solutions, the Amidar National Housing Company is a veteran body aiming to make Israel a leader in fulfilling the UN’s 17 SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) by 2030.
About Amidar Company
The Amidar Company was founded in 1949, serving ever since as an essential resource in implementing the Israel government’s construction, welfare, and housing policies. The company has played a historic role in housing millions of immigrants in the country. In 2017, Amidar won the Platinum Plus rating of the Maala organization, which acts to promote corporate social responsibility. Here are some of the social impact initiatives Amidar Company has achieved.
Management of Public housing
Amidar’s principal activities are to assign tenants to housing projects, maintain and improve the housing. It ensures that all the citizens and immigrants in Israel, regardless of age or social status, have a chance to live in a well-structured and maintained home. The organization also upgrades old and outdated dwellings to meet the housing policies of the government of Israel. The Adimar Company manages more than 60,000 apartments in 200 settlements with tens of thousands of people.
Affordable housing options
Amidar Company provides affordable housing options to low-income Israeli families based on their ability to pay. Similar to other developed countries, the Israel population consists of people from different social status; high, middle, and low class. The organization serves Israeli families based on their ability to pay. Since housing is an essential need, more affordable housing options improve the living conditions of thousands of people in Israel.
Construct sheltered accommodation for the elderly
The elderly are some of the most vulnerable people in any society because they rely heavily on assistance. The Amidar Company builds housing communities specially designed for the elderly in Israel.
Provide housing for new immigrants
Over the years, Israel has received immigrants from all across the globe. Since it was first founded, The Amidar Company has always taken a leading role in finding a housing solution for the immigrants. The organization ensures all immigrants access one of the most essential basics of life, proper housing. This ensures the overall welfare of the immigrants as they adapt to their new country.
Amidar Company and the UN SDG
The housing solutions that the Amidar Company provides go hand in hand with the United Nations 17 SDGs to transform our world by 2030. The UN SDG goal number 11 is to provide sustainable cities and communities. One of the targets is to ensure all people in a country get access to affordable housing. A significant amount of work needs to be done to upgrade existing slums. Housing is a significant challenge, especially in developing countries. According to the UN, at least 1.6 billion people experience poor and inadequate housing services. Amidar provides affordable housing to thousands of Israelis, including immigrants and other vulnerable populations.
Goal number 1 of the SDG is no poverty. According to the UN, extreme poverty applies to any person living on less than $1.25 per day and accounts for more than 736 million people worldwide. Such people can’t afford the very basics of life, including proper shelter. By providing affordable housing, the Amidar Company helps alleviate poverty in Israel and fulfill the UN SDG1 goal.
Amidar Company is a leader providing accommodation solutions to a population from all walks of life in Israel. In doing this, the company has greatly contributed to attaining UN’S Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals and provided better living conditions for thousands of people.
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