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SDG 1- Paamonim – Preventing Poverty in Israel
Israel has a rapidly growing economy but according to the World Bank struggles with higher poverty levels compared to other developed countries. Israel’s government in coordination with some non-government organizations formulates financial education programs to combat poverty. This is important to improve the quality of life for all Israelis. One such organization is Paamonim, a non-governmental organization that helps families and individuals experiencing financial difficulties regain their financial independence. The organization’s services go hand in hand with several UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030.
About Paamonim organization
Founded in 1997, Paanmonim helps Israelis emerge from financial crises and regain financially independent lives. Working to strengthen Israel’s economic and social structure, Paamonim has more than 2,900 volunteers who provide thousands of Israelis with educational economic-recovery programs such as: group workshops, family mentoring, lectures, long-term counseling, banking and insurance.
Here are some of the Paamonim major economic recovery program plans:

One-on-one Financial Life Coaching
One of the programs that Paamonim organization offers to address the financial crisis issues that individuals and families in Israel face is one-on-one coaching and counseling services on money matters. These coaching sessions address the specific economic issue faced by each participant. The organization provides personalized guidance and tools to help the entire family unit recover. A Paamonim volunteer with financial training is assigned to a family or individual in making smarter economic decisions. This training ensures they live a better life and have more a stable economic future.
Group Workshops & Lectures
Paamonim also offers group workshops and lectures. This involves offering group coaching and counseling to individuals in an economic crisis. A trained volunteer helps people who have enrolled in economic rehabilitation programs. These programs are designed to help people manage their debt or other financial problems. They are also assisted in managing budgets. Additionally, they give individuals the essential tools to compete in the job market. Coaching workshops usually last for a couple of months.
Professional Consultations
Paamonim also offers professional consultation to individuals in a financial crisis that requires specialized counseling. Individuals who seek out this consultation get coaching and counseling from a trained financial volunteer. The professional volunteer first assesses the family or individual financial situation. The volunteer then provides a step by step plan to balance expenses and income for the individual.

Paamonim and the UN’s SDGs
Paamonim organization works together with Israel’s government to offer financial planning advice to families and individuals with a financial crisis. When people can plan their finances, they can regain their economic independence. This means they don’t have to rely on charity funds or public social services. The end result is reduced poverty in line with UN goal number 1 on poverty eradication. Poverty is a global issue that lags behind economic growth.
SDG goal number 10 is decent work and Economic growth. According to the UN, more than 188 million people globally are unemployed. Paamonim provides essential tools that individuals need to better compete in the job market. These resources are critical in reducing unemployment, especially for younger workers who are just getting started.
Working as a highly efficient volunteer organization and as a preventive social service Paamonim creates enormous annual value to Israeli households and to Israel’s economy.
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