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Home » Life On Land » SDG 15- Beewise – Redesigning Sustainable Beehives, for the 21st Century
SDG 15- Beewise – Redesigning Sustainable Beehives, for the 21st Century
Introducing Beewise
In recognising the fundamental role bees play in ensuring our current and future wellbeing, the Israeli-based company, Beewise, has created a tech-driven solution to allow bees continual existence. Using an innovative and data-driven approach, Beewise has reinvented the wheel by redesigning beehives. From pest control to humidity regulation and automated harvesting to real time problem alerts, Beewise and their hives rely on a robot to ensure their efficient functioning.
As a result, the regular issues associated with managing and monitoring bee hives such as irregular temperatures and disease spread are no longer a problem. Thanks to the effective implementation of technology, the bee hive has been turned into an autonomous system which runs on its own accord.
In doing so, Beewise allows the public to actively participate in the repopulation of bees without needing to exert excessive effort to do so. Plus, the hives are affordable making this sustainable solution accessible!
The Sustainable Development Goals in Practice
SDG 15 which relates to life on land is a driving force behind Beewise. Considering bees account for 30% of our global food production, it’s clear this species plays an instrumental role in enabling and future-proofing.
By helping to repopulate bee communities, Beewise implements a variety of SDG’s. Not only does this reflect the brand’s purpose-driven core, it also speaks to the beneficial nature of the product for both customer and community.
The Verdict
In exploring this innovative and forward-thinking company, it’s clear Beewise has addressed one of the most pressing problems we as a humanity now face and provided a sustainable solution to such. By using the SDG to promote the health and wellbeing of life on land, Beewise provides an effective and inspiring way to future proof our agricultural and food production systems.
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