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Home » Good Health and Well-Being » SDG3-Save a Child’s Heart every 24 Hours–By Dr. Eitan Eliram Lead Innovation Strategist
Save a Child’s Heart every 24 Hours
Save a Child’s heart save the lives of critically ill children who are suffering from heart disease the world over. They particularly aim to reach out to developing countries where surgeons and medical care are less accessible to those in need. Treatment is given regardless of race, religion, gender, nationality, or financial status.
SACH’s medical team works with partners around the world to diagnose, teach and perform life-saving heart procedures. They also bring children in need of medical attention to Israel in order to be treated, SACH operates through the children’s care unit at the Wolfson hospital as an international pediatric care center. SACH’s children’s unit is being upgraded to host the most comprehensive and largest pediatric cardiac capabilities in all of the Middle East.

The organization has a mission to treat children who are born with or suffer from congenital rheumatic heart disease who live in countries with limited medical care. Statistically, 1 in every 100 children is born with a congenital heart defect. At any time there are thousands of children suffering from heart disease all over the world, many of whom cannot access or pay for the medical care they need.
Children and their caregivers are provided with housing in Israel when taken under the medical supervision of the SACH organization. The organization has an impressive record of saving a child’s life every 24 hours. They travel to partner sites in developing countries to perform surgery as well as host clinics where children may have their heart health evaluated by a medical professional. Countries include Romania, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Nepal, Kurdistan and more.
SACH is proud to claim the title of Israel’s preeminent humanitarian organization. They host a free screening and diagnosis follow-up clinic every Tuesday. There are many volunteer opportunities available with SACH. (BTW: If you are looking to get involved, volunteer duties range from creating and running activity and game events for children to providing them love and support both pre-surgery and post-surgery. contact SACH anytime now) Currently, SACH has teams stationed in both Israel and the United States as well as many other sites in developing countries.
SACH mission and global activity ties in with the United Nations’ 3rd SDG goal which is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Thanks to this wonderful organization, children are being saved every day.
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